Aurora Borealis
Motherboard Type: Emerald Blue T3
Custom Buttons: Bald (Pink Opal Lite) (@selst0r)
Custom Resin C-Stick: Pastel Pink w/ Subtle Opal Shards
Braided Cable: YES (Valentine Pinks)
Adjustable Snapback Mod (H/V): YES
Lubricated StickBox: YEP
Trigger Modifications: Signature Trigger Treatment
PODE Level: Minimal
Pivot Capabilities: Very Good for an Emerald
LedgeDash: Consistent
Disjoint: Very Slight
Top Shell: Emerald Blue
Bottom Shell: Emerald Blue
Notches: Full Angle FireFox Notches
CAN Be Notched: NO, Fully Treated
Game Recommended For: Melee
Character Recommended For: Spacies / Mid-Tier / Etc.
Description: This build features pink undertones to compliment the emerald blue top and bottom. Together the specific button set and c-stick along with the paracord adds for an extremely eye-catching GCC. This build has everything that you would need on a high functioning premium GCC. This controller has beautiful ledgedashes, and extremely to execute dash dance, which is why I chose to give this the full angel treatment. This is one of my favorites that I made for the drop. This is for anyone looking to see the potential of a high end modified controller or for anyone seriously trying to level up their play.