Green Goblin
Motherboard Type: Emerald T3
Custom Buttons: Bald (Neon Green Splatter) (@selst0r)
Custom Resin C-Stick: Black
Braided Cable: YES (Lightning Lime Green)
Adjustable Snapback Mod (H/V): YES
Lubricated StickBox: YES
Trigger Modifications: Signature Trigger Treatment
PODE Level: Very Slight
Pivot Capabilities: Very Consistent (Subject to Degrade
LedgeDash: 9/10
Disjoint: Little to None
Top Shell: Emerald
Bottom Shell: Emerald
Notches: Wavedash Notches + UCF Shield Drops
CAN Be Notched: YES if requested
Game Recommended For: Melee
Character Recommended For: Full Cast Benefitted
Description: A build like this is what I believe every melee player should have. By BARE MINIMUM, every competitive player should have a controller with Wavedash Notches, and to have the motherboard perform on the level of this one. Ledgedashing is a breeze, movement feels like butter, and the entire controllers plays like a dream. The contrast between the Emerald Blue and the neon Green fits really well, and makes the controller really impressive to look at. I think anyone could use this exact build and instantly be leveled up. Emerald controllers tend to be some of the most pleasant to work with for cases like this one. Anyone trying to take the next step in their play would benefit from a build like this.