Moonlit Butterly
Motherboard Type: Emerald T3
Custom Buttons: Bald (Various Opal Shard Colors Pink Base) (@selst0r)
Custom Resin C-Stick: Pastel Pink
Braided Cable: YES (Neon Pink with Navy Diamonds) (Black Port)
Adjustable Snapback Mod (H/V): YES
Lubricated StickBox: NO
Trigger Modifications: Signature Trigger Treatment
PODE Level: Very small
Pivot Capabilities: Consistent
LedgeDash: 7/10
Disjoint: Close to None
Top Shell: Metallic Colorshift Deep Purple/Yellow/Green Yao Gloss Finish (2 of 2)
Bottom Shell: Metallic Colorshift Deep Purple/Yellow/Green Yao Gloss Finish (2 of 2)
Notches: None
CAN Be Notched: Painted shells cannot be notched
Game Recommended For: Melee/Ultimate
Character Recommended For:
Being one of the most aesthetically pleasing builds being listed